How Tech Stocks Are Lagging

Tech Sector Falls Behind by Bespokeinvest While Technology was a market leader for much of the Summer and into the Fall, in the post-election world the sector has done a complete 180 and fallen off a cliff.  The chart below shows the relative strength of the Technology sector versus the S&P 500 over the last year.  When the line is...

Various Analysis Indicates 2/3 Chance Of Market Rise In 2017

There's a 65% chance that the U.S. stock market will rise in 2017 Those are the historical odds, which are remarkably impervious to fundamental conditions by Mark Hulbert There’s a 65.5% chance that the U.S. stock market will rise in 2017. If you’re like most investors, that’s welcome news. Given the advanced age of the economic expansion, an overvalued stock market by...

Option Traders Are Betting Stock Volatility Will Rise With Bond Volatility

Traders Are Betting that Volatility is About to Spread Will equity volatility catch up with the move in bonds? by Luke Kawa A measure of volatility for longer-term U.S. Treasuries recently hit its highest level since July 2015 as traders begin to price how President-elect Donald Trump's potential fiscal policies could prove game-changing for inflation and growth. The 10-year U.S....

Why Gold Could Fall Further

The technical and fundamental reasons why gold could fall even lower by Alex Rosenberg Gold slid about 2 percent Wednesday, hitting a nine-month low, as the surging U.S. dollar continues to exact a heavy toll on the yellow metal. And at this point, technical analyst Craig Johnson of Piper Jaffray says he wouldn't be surprised to see gold prices fall all...

High-Yield Bonds Are Decoupling From The S&P 500

The Trump rally is leaving one popular trade behind by Alex Rosenberg High-yielding bonds are frequently considered to be the stocks of the fixed-income world. After all, their high yield comes at the expense of a greater perceived risk of default, and as the outlook for corporations improve, that risk is seen to drop across the board, giving high-yield bonds...

UBS Top 10 Investment Ideas For 2017

The top 10 investment ideas for 2017 by Mark Haefele In 2017, we face a polarized political environment. The likes of Brexit, the U.S. election result, and key upcoming votes in Europe are likely to make investors more uncertain, not less. In a recent survey, a quarter of UBS's Industry Leader Network of entrepreneur clients cited the political landscape as...

What’s Next For The Stock Market Presidential Cycle?

Presidential Cycles: What's Next? by James Stack We've reviewed the past 88 years and the stock market performance for the calendar year following the election to see if there is any correlation to party politics and change, explains Jim Stack, market historian money manager and editor of InvesTech Market Analyst. Overall, the likelihood of a stock market gain in the first...

Is India Behind The Drop In Gold?

Potential gold-import ban by India could be biggest bombshell since Nixon by Marketwatch Back in August 1971, President Nixon shocked the world by taking the dollar off the gold standard. The dollar had been on gold standard since Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944. The biggest bombshell for gold investors in 45 years since Nixon announcement may be ahead. That bombshell is...

Venezuela Currency Has Biggest Monthly Drop Ever

The ‘strong bolivar’ has lost 45% of its value this month Rapid devaluation to stoke inflation already in triple digits by Bloomberg News Venezuela’s currency – the so-called “strong bolivar” – is weakening beyond levels that analysts had forecast just a few weeks ago as an expanding money supply chases a limited amount of U.S. dollars. The currency has lost...

Fed Rate Cycle May Help DJIA Hit 20k Within Months

Here's when we'll see Dow 20,000, according to one chart expert by Rebecca Ungarino With "Dow 19,000" in the books, some say Dow 20,000 might not be far behind. The Dow Jones industrial average broke through the 19,000 level for the first time Tuesday after closing higher in all but two sessions since the election. "Risk is coming back to the market...