Wednesday’s Selling Pushed the Market to the Brink, and Maybe Past It

How does the old saying go? If you play with fire long enough, you’ll eventually get burned? Well, for several days now stocks have been playing with fire. On Wednesday they got burned. They were burned badly enough, in fact, that the market might be forced to move all the way through a full-blown correction. That’s not the end of...

More Option Spreads Explained: Bull Call Spreads

We’ve spent some time this month looking at various kinds of option spreads, with the bigger goal of learning the ins and outs of the strategy. It just so happens there are several different approaches to spread trading, each with their own pros and cons. Our first example was a bear put spread, though our more recent run-through was a...

More Option Spreads Explained: Bull Call Spreads

We’ve spent some time this month looking at various kinds of option spreads, with the bigger goal of learning the ins and outs of the strategy. It just so happens there are several different approaches to spread trading, each with their own pros and cons. Our first example was a bear put spread, though our more recent run-through was a...

Weekly Market Outlook – Last Week’s Big Selloff Comes With An Important Footnote

With nothing more than a passing glance at last week’s losses it would be easy to conclude the worst about the market’s foreseeable future. Not only did the S&P 500 log its worst week in a month, the NASDAQ Composite closed below a key technical support level. And yet, it’s still too soon to presume the worst. There’s a good...

Weekly Market Outlook – Last Week’s Big Selloff Comes With An Important Footnote

With nothing more than a passing glance at last week’s losses it would be easy to conclude the worst about the market’s foreseeable future. Not only did the S&P 500 log its worst week in a month, the NASDAQ Composite closed below a key technical support level. And yet, it’s still too soon to presume the worst. There’s a good...

Thursday’s Stumble Doesn’t Change Everything, But It Changes a Lot

For a second day in a row stocks lost a good deal of ground. And, in so doing, the market’s timbre took a turn for the worse. Both the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ Composite are now beneath an important short-term moving average line thanks to hints that the Federal Reserve may not be done with its rate hikes. There...

Thursday’s Stumble Doesn’t Change Everything, But It Changes a Lot

For a second day in a row stocks lost a good deal of ground. And, in so doing, the market’s timbre took a turn for the worse. Both the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ Composite are now beneath an important short-term moving average line thanks to hints that the Federal Reserve may not be done with its rate hikes. There...

Caught Between a Rock And a Hard Place

Were it just one day, we might dismiss is. To see the stock market remain trapped between a narrow band of support and resistance for two days in a row though? That’s worth pointing out. Take a look. On Tuesday (and for the second consecutive trading day), the NASDAQ Composite briefly moved above its 50-day moving average line (purple) but...

Caught Between a Rock And a Hard Place

Were it just one day, we might dismiss is. To see the stock market remain trapped between a narrow band of support and resistance for two days in a row though? That’s worth pointing out. Take a look. On Tuesday (and for the second consecutive trading day), the NASDAQ Composite briefly moved above its 50-day moving average line (purple) but...