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What’s Next For The Stock Market Presidential Cycle?

Presidential Cycles: What's Next?

by James Stack

We've reviewed the past 88 years and the stock market performance for the calendar year following the election to see if there is any correlation to party politics and change, explains Jim Stack, market historian money manager and editor of InvesTech Market Analyst.

Overall, the likelihood of a stock market gain in the first year after a Presidential Election has been a little more than 50% (12 out of 22 instances).

However, there appears to be a Wall Street preference for Democratic Presidents — at least for the first year the administration is in office:



In fact, 77% of these years saw double-digit changes in the S&P 500 — nine with double-digit gains, and eight with double-digit losses.

Again, one might wonder if party politics and policies come into play as we take a deeper dive into the statistics:



This situation, however, could change in 2017 as the year progresses, as bear markets are twice as likely to start in the first two years of the Presidential Election cycle.

Our allocation of 84% is the highest in 24 months. The overall evidence supports our positive outlook.

Yet inherently, we still believe warning flags will reappear, and this bull market will peak at some point in 2017. For now, enjoy the ride. But as we often advise in an aging bull market, don’t get complacent.

Courtesy of moneyshow.com [1]